Compliance Is A Powerful Motivator

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Compliance Is A Powerful Motivator

Compliance is a powerful motivator but that doesn’t mean we can’t do good while doing what’s required. The intent of the risk management process offered by Worksafe QLD is clear:

  1. Identify hazards
  2. Address them
  3. Review & repeat
  4. Make it sure it’s done in consultation

Simple really. But as we know, simple is not always easy. Employee engagement has never been more important than it is now.

The spotlight on this obligation is not new. Its implications for organisations and Managers is. Either way, the need for change in organisations can be dismissed as just another box we need to tick or it can be seen as an opportunity for real and lasting change.

The nexus of culture, mental health and psychosocial risk is “the healthy workspace”.

The timely reminder that there are many factors which contribute to a healthy workspace, including social factors such as relationships and social interactions, reminds us that we can have a powerful impact in the lives of others.

Understanding what lies at the heart of culture change, aligning compliance and prioritising a holistic approach to safety holds the potential for industry wide transformation. It also presents a pivotal moment for us to self reflect and consider the question: Am I doing good or just good at doing?

Many facts lead us to the conclusion that better culture builds better business:

  • 15% of employees feel that their organisation empowers them
  • 15% feel that they work in a high trust environment
  • 17% of employees feel that their organisation fosters open communication

The reality is undeniable. Yet this reality hasn’t created the sweeping change that’s required.

Safework Australia’s Key Work Health and Safety Statistics 2023 show that: work-related mental health conditions are rising, with time off work in these cases more than four times longer than for other injuries. 

A fundamental shift in thinking is required to have real impact rather than simply meet our legislative obligations.

That shift is a desire to do good, a willingness to engage, an openness to break down barriers, smash silos and collaborate for change.

Legislation might be your driver but impact can still be the outcome.

Want to know more? We have created a resource to support industry in managing psychosocial risk. Reach out to us at to grab your copy.

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