In The Media

We have been supporting industry level culture transformation and providing thought leadership through various channels in an effort to contribute to raising the bar for the conversation of our culture and its impact and potential.

As Seen In And On

Driving diversity and fostering inclusion in operations

A panel of executive women at the Future of Mining Perth conference have shared their thoughts on advancing diversity and fostering inclusion within operations and what steps miners are taking to address diversity concerns, in the 18 months since the release of the Enough is Enough report.

Panel session: Are you relevant as a current and future employer?

With panelists Kim Yabsley, Steve Torso, Michael Maher, Mark Eggers.

People First…Turning Business Strategy Inside Out

(as featured in Success NQ)

We must ask ourselves: What does fit for business mean? Is your business strategy a fit for the culture you have created? Do you have the capability and the culture to align your intentions with outcomes?

Businesses either enable culture or they enable insurmountable barriers that prevent culture from self-optimising, which it absolutely can, over time, with the right foundations.

So, what are the building blocks of good culture?

What Makes Women Great Leaders

(as featured in Success NQ)

Dating as far back as time itself, women’s identities have been built off the back of our families, our partners, our children, our bosses, our biological role of carrying, birthing and rearing children. Reinventing ourselves is second nature. For many it’s even a welcome sign of growth. A light which peeks through the darkness. Renewing our relationships, leveraging opportunity for our businesses and communities occurs as opportunity, exciting, welcome, enticing for most women I know.

Thanks to the women’s movement, women are perhaps now more in control of their future than ever before. The narrative around gender parity is alive in boardroom banter because men and women alike recognise the value of the intrinsic skills women bring.

Leaning In – Resilient Leadership

(as featured in Success NQ)

Resilient culture is the kind of working environment where we prioritise connection, communication, contribution. Where relationships strengthen outcomes, where insight leads to action, and enhanced outcomes. You simply can’t build, change or sustain culture without a genuine people-first approach.

Resilient leadership is about more than just pushing through, dragging our people along until we find ourselves at the other side of difficult times. It’s about truly inspiring others to reach within. As leaders, we all want to see change at the group level, but the truth is that insight starts with individuals. It starts with us.

Culture Utopia: The Myths Regarding Engagement

(as featured in Success NQ)

Culture is little more than the sum-total of our relationships so the more we invest in people, the more we develop human bonds, the better placed we are to resolve conflict, negotiate outcomes deliverables, agree on timelines, workload and role accountability. The more we communicate with clarity, the more purposeful we become in our actions.

When everyone on the team becomes more purposeful, communicates for outcomes and approaches issues in a respectful and collaborative way, enhanced outcomes are a natural side effect.

Building Resilience Into Organisational Culture

(as featured in Coaching Life)

One of the most constructive ways to build skills around communicating for outcomes is through the development of resilience. Resilience is a foundation for healthy response mechanisms. It’s one of those qualities we develop in the background (through self-care, emotional intelligence, social connectivity and cognitive advancement) that is simple to understand but not easy to build. It requires real presence and commitment to something that no-one will really see until adversity strikes, when it becomes observable and aspirational.

There is a specific framework for building resilience that applies to organisations and works at either team or organisation level. This approach centres around building ‘cultures of excellence’ where the organisation commits to individual wellbeing through the provision of psychological education – providing opportunities for personal growth through reflection. Importantly though, for real engagement, there must be pathways to translate individual insight into action that then results in organisational outcomes, otherwise there will be no perceivable benefit, for the individual or organisation.

Aligning Culture and Capability

(as featured in Coaching Life)

An integrated approach to assessing organisational capability that considers culture as key to the developing organisation is essential to proactive identification of functional barriers which have the potential to impact the achievement of organisational goals.

True collaboration requires the right balance of people, skill and corporate power to achieve outcomes that are derived from both insight and then leveraged and scaled for application.

This concept represents a revolutionary approach which prioritises people in the context of their contribution and commitment to commercial outcomes.